Mike Moss Person -Centred Counselling Supervision & Training
Mike Moss
Person-Centred Counsellor, Supervisor and Trainer.
I have over 40 years experience working with Children, Young People and Families in Scotland in the voluntary and statutory sector. I trained in Youth and Community Work, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Systemic Family Therapy, Integrative Counselling, Person-Centred Therapy, and Supervision. I am currently employed part time as a School Counsellor and have a private practice offering supervision, counselling and training. I enjoy presenting at conferences and offering experiential workshops, which have been described as passionate, lively and inspiring and have presented workshops to students and professionals in Youth Work, Social Work, Education and Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Public Presentations/Talks/Workshops
1.'Re-sourcing the Source: Young Peoples Stories. Presentation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (28 Jan 2016)
2.'Changing our story: A solution focused approach to working with children and young people and their families.' Presentation. University of Stirling. (24-25 May 2016)
3.'Changing our Story' A Solution Focused Approach to Residential Care. Presentation with Wendy Milne, West Lothian Council. SIRCC National Conference, Glasgow (8-9 June 2016)
4.'It's never too late to change our story' A new approach to working with children and families.' Presentation. City of Edinburgh Council Social Work (12 October 2016)
5.On Becoming More in the Therapeutic Relationship. Workshop PF Counselling Service, Edinburgh (23 October 2016)
6.On Becoming More in the Therapeutic Relationship.' Workshop, Cross Reach Perinatal Service, Edinburgh (3 April 2017)
7.'Counselling skills and relationship based practice with children and young people. West Lothian Council. Workshop,(2 June 2017)
8.‘The Gift that we are thirsting for: An exploration of the core conditions' Presentation (on video) BACP Children, young people and families: Working with difficult behaviour’ Belfast Hilton (12 September 2017)
9. On Becoming More in the Therapeutic Relationship.' Conversation, Person Centred Therapy Scotland, 30th Anniversary Conference, Glasgow (4-5 Nov 2017)
10. ‘The Gift We Are thirsting For’ A Pluralistic Perspective on the Therapeutic Relationship.' A workshop, 1st International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Abertay University, Dundee, (17-18 March 2018)
11. ‘A Question Of Miracles’ The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, United Kingdom Association for Solution Focused Practice, Building Bridges, Liverpool (14-15 June 2018)
12. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For’ An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, Taynet, Hawksgrove Centre for Inner Studies, Dundee (27 Oct 2018)
13. The Fifth Wave: Beyond The Mainstream. Interview Moss M & Wilson J (2018). [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.onlinevents.co.uk/the-fifth-wave-beyond-the-mainstream-mike-moss/.
14. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, Greenwood Events, Glasgow (23 March 2019)
15. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, Crossreach, Edinburgh (13 April 2019)
16. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop. International Society for Emotion Focused Therapy ‘The Growth Edge’ Glasgow (29-30 August 2019)
17. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: On being in relationship with children & young people’ Workshop, Children and young people‘s mental health and wellbeing: Communities, families, resilience and resistance. Conference. University of Stirling (5-7 September 2019)
18. ‘Resourcing the Source: Finding ourselves in the therapeutic relationship’ Keynote Presentation COSCA Counselling in Scotland AGM, Stirling (18 September 2019)
19. ‘A Question of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship.’ Workshop, BACP Conference ‘Working with soul across the Lifespan’ Leicester (20 Nov 2019)
20. ‘You can’t make someone have resilience and self esteem, it’s already there waiting to come out.' Workshop, BACP Conference ‘Resilience: Helping children and families develop an emotional shield.’ London (22 February 2020)
21. ‘A Question of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship.’ Workshop, Greenwood Events, Glasgow (10 March 2020)
22. ‘The Stranger behind the mask’ Online Workshop . Annual Carl Rogers Conference, Center for studies of the person, US,(17 -19 Sept 2021)
23. 'The Aliveness of being in the therapeutic relationship' Workshop, Taynet, Hawksgrove Centre for Inner Studies, Dundee (5 March 2022)
24. 'The Aliveness of being in the therapeutic relationship' Workshop ,A Quiet Room by the Shore, Edinburgh 18 March 2023
25. Carl Rogers :The Spiritual Vision in his Life and Work. Online Zoom Forum Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace,25 October 2023
26.A Directional Presence Inquiry. Online gathering with Phyllida Anam-Aire January 2024
27.A Directional Presence in the Therapeutic Encounter. The Existential Academy: Society of Psychotherapy 21 May2024 Online
28. 'On being passively receptive' Workshop. The Person-Centred Association Residential Conference 14-16 June 2024
The Hayes Conference Centre, Alfreton, Derbyshire
1. Moss. M (2017) ‘On Becoming More, in the Therapeutic Relationship: an exploration of directional presence’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland Spring 2017 (pp14-16)
2. Moss. M (2017) ‘On Becoming More, in the Therapeutic Relationship’ BAPCA Person Centred Quarterly May 2017(pp10-14)
3. Moss. M (2017) ‘Turning Point’ BACP Therapy Today, September 2017 (p29)
4. Moss. M (2018) ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland Summer 2018 (pp15-17)
5. Moss. M (2018) ‘The Fifth wave: beyond the mainstream’ BACP Thresholds Journal July 2018(pp6-11)
6. Moss. M (2018) ‘All is being attended to: A Pluralistic perspective on the therapeutic relationship’ https://london.stillpointspaces.com
7. Moss. M (2018) ‘Building Bridges; Between Rogers and Erickson ‘The Milton Erickson Foundation Newsletter Vol. 38,no3. December 2018(p14)
8. Moss. M (2018) ‘The Fifth wave: beyond the mainstream’ TPCA Person Centred Quarterly Winter 2018(pp14-17)
9. Moss. M (2019) ‘Welcoming Conversations’ BACP Thresholds Journal .April 2019(pp11-15)
10.Moss. M (2019) ‘Building Bridges; Between Rogers and Erickson’ Solution News Spring Edition Vol 7 issue 4, April 2019 (pp 12-14)
11.Moss. M (2019) ‘Listening for Healing: The musicality of the actualising tendency in action’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland Spring 2019(pp8-10)
12.Moss. M (2019) ‘Something Larger: On sharing therapeutic case notes with children and young people’ Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal .Vol19 /2 Summer 2019(pp17-19)
13.Moss. M (2019) ‘Welcoming Conversations’ TPCA Person Centred Quarterly. Summer 2019(pp22-25)
14.Moss. M (2019) ‘Listening for Healing : The musicality of the actualising tendency in action.' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly. Autumn 2019(pp42-46)
15.Moss.M (2020) 'A Question of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship.' BACP Thresholds Journal, January 2020(pp16-19)
16.Moss.M (2020) Something Larger: On sharing therapeutic case notes with children & young people' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly. Spring 2020(pp42-46)
17.Moss.M (2020) 'All is Being Attended To' Unpsychology Magazine Issue 6. April, 2020(p44)
18.Moss.M (2020) Resourcing the Source: Finding ourselves in the therapeutic relationship. COSCA Counselling in Scotland. Spring/Summer(2020(pp4-6)
19.Moss.M (2020) 'A Question of Soul; The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Summer 2020(pp30-32)
20.Moss.M (2020) Listening for Healing: The musicality of the actualising tendency in action. 'BACP Children Young People & Families Journal, September 2020(pp30-32)
21.Moss.M (2020) 'The Gift That we Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Winter.2020 (pp24-29)
22. Moss. M (2021)'On dreams and potentialities' BACP Children Young People and Families Journal March.2021(pp26-28)
23. Moss. M (2021) ‘The Stranger behind the Mask’’ BACP Thresholds Journal, April 2021 (pp22-23)
24. Moss. M (2021)Ten minutes with Mike Moss. BACP Thresholds Journal April 2021 https://www.bacp.co.uk/bacp-journals/thresholds/april-2021/10-minutes-with/
25. Moss. M (2021)'Building Bridges: Between Rogers and Erickson' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Spring.2021 (pp29-32)
26. Moss. M (2021) The Unfolding life: An appreciative view of the therapeutic relationship. COSCA Counselling in Scotland. Spring/Summer2021(pp21-25)
27. Moss. M (2021) The Unfolding Life (Abridged)United Kingdom Association or Solution Focused Practice, Solution News, https://ukasfp.org/page/blogmikemoss
28. Moss. M (2021) A Preferred relationship: A response to client preference. Person-Centred Quarterly Winter 2021(pp16-21)
29. Moss. M (2022) ‘A Preferred Relationship: A response to client preference’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland, Spring/Summer 2022 (pp13-16)
29. Moss. M. (2022) 'A Preferred Relationship: A response to client preference' https://pluralisticpractice.com/2022/02/16/a-preferred-relationship-a-response-to-client-preference/
30. Moss. M (2022) ‘On Dreams and Potentialities’ TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Spring 2022 (pp19-23)
31. Moss. M (2022) 'The Aliveness of being' BACP Thresholds Journal, October 2022 (pp16-19)
32. Moss. M (2022) 'A Question Of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship' Inside Out, The Irish Journal for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, No.98. Autumn 2022 (pp48-52)
33. Moss. M (2022) 'Going Inside: an internal conversation 'BACP Children Young People and Families Journal December. 2022(pp22-24)
34. Moss. M (2023) ‘When We Are Passively Receptive: further exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland, Winter/Spring 2022/23 (pp12-15)
35. Moss. M (2023) ‘The Aliveness of Being’ TPCA Person –Centred Quarterly, Winter/2022/23(pp14-19)
36. Moss. M (2023) ‘When We Are Passively Receptive: further exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ TPCA Person –Centred Quarterly, Spring 2023 (pp19-24)
37. Moss. M (2023) 'Going Inside: an internal conversation' TPCA Person-Centred Quarterly, Summer 2023 (pp33-37)
38. Moss. M(2024) 'Resourcing the Source: finding ourselves in the therapeutic relationship' TPCA Person-Centred Quarterly, Winter 2023-2024 (pp5-10)
39. Moss. M (2024) 'Going Inside: an internal conversation' COSCA Counselling in Scotland, Winter/Spring 2023/24 (pp12-14)
40. Moss. M (2024) 'A shared journey' BACP Thresholds Journal, April 2024 (pp20-23)
41. Moss. M (2024) ' Listening for healing; The musicality of the actualising tendency in action' Inside Out, The Irish Journal for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, No.102. Spring 2024 (pp9-12)
42. Moss. M (2024) 'Another Kind of Girl' TPCA Person –Centred Quarterly, Spring 2024 (pp15-21)
I have over 40 years experience working with Children, Young People and Families in Scotland in the voluntary and statutory sector. I trained in Youth and Community Work, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Systemic Family Therapy, Integrative Counselling, Person-Centred Therapy, and Supervision. I am currently employed part time as a School Counsellor and have a private practice offering supervision, counselling and training. I enjoy presenting at conferences and offering experiential workshops, which have been described as passionate, lively and inspiring and have presented workshops to students and professionals in Youth Work, Social Work, Education and Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Public Presentations/Talks/Workshops
1.'Re-sourcing the Source: Young Peoples Stories. Presentation. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (28 Jan 2016)
2.'Changing our story: A solution focused approach to working with children and young people and their families.' Presentation. University of Stirling. (24-25 May 2016)
3.'Changing our Story' A Solution Focused Approach to Residential Care. Presentation with Wendy Milne, West Lothian Council. SIRCC National Conference, Glasgow (8-9 June 2016)
4.'It's never too late to change our story' A new approach to working with children and families.' Presentation. City of Edinburgh Council Social Work (12 October 2016)
5.On Becoming More in the Therapeutic Relationship. Workshop PF Counselling Service, Edinburgh (23 October 2016)
6.On Becoming More in the Therapeutic Relationship.' Workshop, Cross Reach Perinatal Service, Edinburgh (3 April 2017)
7.'Counselling skills and relationship based practice with children and young people. West Lothian Council. Workshop,(2 June 2017)
8.‘The Gift that we are thirsting for: An exploration of the core conditions' Presentation (on video) BACP Children, young people and families: Working with difficult behaviour’ Belfast Hilton (12 September 2017)
9. On Becoming More in the Therapeutic Relationship.' Conversation, Person Centred Therapy Scotland, 30th Anniversary Conference, Glasgow (4-5 Nov 2017)
10. ‘The Gift We Are thirsting For’ A Pluralistic Perspective on the Therapeutic Relationship.' A workshop, 1st International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling & Psychotherapy, Abertay University, Dundee, (17-18 March 2018)
11. ‘A Question Of Miracles’ The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, United Kingdom Association for Solution Focused Practice, Building Bridges, Liverpool (14-15 June 2018)
12. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For’ An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, Taynet, Hawksgrove Centre for Inner Studies, Dundee (27 Oct 2018)
13. The Fifth Wave: Beyond The Mainstream. Interview Moss M & Wilson J (2018). [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.onlinevents.co.uk/the-fifth-wave-beyond-the-mainstream-mike-moss/.
14. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, Greenwood Events, Glasgow (23 March 2019)
15. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop, Crossreach, Edinburgh (13 April 2019)
16. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ Workshop. International Society for Emotion Focused Therapy ‘The Growth Edge’ Glasgow (29-30 August 2019)
17. ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: On being in relationship with children & young people’ Workshop, Children and young people‘s mental health and wellbeing: Communities, families, resilience and resistance. Conference. University of Stirling (5-7 September 2019)
18. ‘Resourcing the Source: Finding ourselves in the therapeutic relationship’ Keynote Presentation COSCA Counselling in Scotland AGM, Stirling (18 September 2019)
19. ‘A Question of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship.’ Workshop, BACP Conference ‘Working with soul across the Lifespan’ Leicester (20 Nov 2019)
20. ‘You can’t make someone have resilience and self esteem, it’s already there waiting to come out.' Workshop, BACP Conference ‘Resilience: Helping children and families develop an emotional shield.’ London (22 February 2020)
21. ‘A Question of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship.’ Workshop, Greenwood Events, Glasgow (10 March 2020)
22. ‘The Stranger behind the mask’ Online Workshop . Annual Carl Rogers Conference, Center for studies of the person, US,(17 -19 Sept 2021)
23. 'The Aliveness of being in the therapeutic relationship' Workshop, Taynet, Hawksgrove Centre for Inner Studies, Dundee (5 March 2022)
24. 'The Aliveness of being in the therapeutic relationship' Workshop ,A Quiet Room by the Shore, Edinburgh 18 March 2023
25. Carl Rogers :The Spiritual Vision in his Life and Work. Online Zoom Forum Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace,25 October 2023
26.A Directional Presence Inquiry. Online gathering with Phyllida Anam-Aire January 2024
27.A Directional Presence in the Therapeutic Encounter. The Existential Academy: Society of Psychotherapy 21 May2024 Online
28. 'On being passively receptive' Workshop. The Person-Centred Association Residential Conference 14-16 June 2024
The Hayes Conference Centre, Alfreton, Derbyshire
1. Moss. M (2017) ‘On Becoming More, in the Therapeutic Relationship: an exploration of directional presence’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland Spring 2017 (pp14-16)
2. Moss. M (2017) ‘On Becoming More, in the Therapeutic Relationship’ BAPCA Person Centred Quarterly May 2017(pp10-14)
3. Moss. M (2017) ‘Turning Point’ BACP Therapy Today, September 2017 (p29)
4. Moss. M (2018) ‘The Gift We Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland Summer 2018 (pp15-17)
5. Moss. M (2018) ‘The Fifth wave: beyond the mainstream’ BACP Thresholds Journal July 2018(pp6-11)
6. Moss. M (2018) ‘All is being attended to: A Pluralistic perspective on the therapeutic relationship’ https://london.stillpointspaces.com
7. Moss. M (2018) ‘Building Bridges; Between Rogers and Erickson ‘The Milton Erickson Foundation Newsletter Vol. 38,no3. December 2018(p14)
8. Moss. M (2018) ‘The Fifth wave: beyond the mainstream’ TPCA Person Centred Quarterly Winter 2018(pp14-17)
9. Moss. M (2019) ‘Welcoming Conversations’ BACP Thresholds Journal .April 2019(pp11-15)
10.Moss. M (2019) ‘Building Bridges; Between Rogers and Erickson’ Solution News Spring Edition Vol 7 issue 4, April 2019 (pp 12-14)
11.Moss. M (2019) ‘Listening for Healing: The musicality of the actualising tendency in action’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland Spring 2019(pp8-10)
12.Moss. M (2019) ‘Something Larger: On sharing therapeutic case notes with children and young people’ Irish Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal .Vol19 /2 Summer 2019(pp17-19)
13.Moss. M (2019) ‘Welcoming Conversations’ TPCA Person Centred Quarterly. Summer 2019(pp22-25)
14.Moss. M (2019) ‘Listening for Healing : The musicality of the actualising tendency in action.' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly. Autumn 2019(pp42-46)
15.Moss.M (2020) 'A Question of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship.' BACP Thresholds Journal, January 2020(pp16-19)
16.Moss.M (2020) Something Larger: On sharing therapeutic case notes with children & young people' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly. Spring 2020(pp42-46)
17.Moss.M (2020) 'All is Being Attended To' Unpsychology Magazine Issue 6. April, 2020(p44)
18.Moss.M (2020) Resourcing the Source: Finding ourselves in the therapeutic relationship. COSCA Counselling in Scotland. Spring/Summer(2020(pp4-6)
19.Moss.M (2020) 'A Question of Soul; The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Summer 2020(pp30-32)
20.Moss.M (2020) Listening for Healing: The musicality of the actualising tendency in action. 'BACP Children Young People & Families Journal, September 2020(pp30-32)
21.Moss.M (2020) 'The Gift That we Are Thirsting For: An exploration of the therapeutic relationship' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Winter.2020 (pp24-29)
22. Moss. M (2021)'On dreams and potentialities' BACP Children Young People and Families Journal March.2021(pp26-28)
23. Moss. M (2021) ‘The Stranger behind the Mask’’ BACP Thresholds Journal, April 2021 (pp22-23)
24. Moss. M (2021)Ten minutes with Mike Moss. BACP Thresholds Journal April 2021 https://www.bacp.co.uk/bacp-journals/thresholds/april-2021/10-minutes-with/
25. Moss. M (2021)'Building Bridges: Between Rogers and Erickson' TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Spring.2021 (pp29-32)
26. Moss. M (2021) The Unfolding life: An appreciative view of the therapeutic relationship. COSCA Counselling in Scotland. Spring/Summer2021(pp21-25)
27. Moss. M (2021) The Unfolding Life (Abridged)United Kingdom Association or Solution Focused Practice, Solution News, https://ukasfp.org/page/blogmikemoss
28. Moss. M (2021) A Preferred relationship: A response to client preference. Person-Centred Quarterly Winter 2021(pp16-21)
29. Moss. M (2022) ‘A Preferred Relationship: A response to client preference’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland, Spring/Summer 2022 (pp13-16)
29. Moss. M. (2022) 'A Preferred Relationship: A response to client preference' https://pluralisticpractice.com/2022/02/16/a-preferred-relationship-a-response-to-client-preference/
30. Moss. M (2022) ‘On Dreams and Potentialities’ TPCA Person Centred Quarterly, Spring 2022 (pp19-23)
31. Moss. M (2022) 'The Aliveness of being' BACP Thresholds Journal, October 2022 (pp16-19)
32. Moss. M (2022) 'A Question Of Soul: The importance of being in the therapeutic relationship' Inside Out, The Irish Journal for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, No.98. Autumn 2022 (pp48-52)
33. Moss. M (2022) 'Going Inside: an internal conversation 'BACP Children Young People and Families Journal December. 2022(pp22-24)
34. Moss. M (2023) ‘When We Are Passively Receptive: further exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ COSCA Counselling in Scotland, Winter/Spring 2022/23 (pp12-15)
35. Moss. M (2023) ‘The Aliveness of Being’ TPCA Person –Centred Quarterly, Winter/2022/23(pp14-19)
36. Moss. M (2023) ‘When We Are Passively Receptive: further exploration of the therapeutic relationship’ TPCA Person –Centred Quarterly, Spring 2023 (pp19-24)
37. Moss. M (2023) 'Going Inside: an internal conversation' TPCA Person-Centred Quarterly, Summer 2023 (pp33-37)
38. Moss. M(2024) 'Resourcing the Source: finding ourselves in the therapeutic relationship' TPCA Person-Centred Quarterly, Winter 2023-2024 (pp5-10)
39. Moss. M (2024) 'Going Inside: an internal conversation' COSCA Counselling in Scotland, Winter/Spring 2023/24 (pp12-14)
40. Moss. M (2024) 'A shared journey' BACP Thresholds Journal, April 2024 (pp20-23)
41. Moss. M (2024) ' Listening for healing; The musicality of the actualising tendency in action' Inside Out, The Irish Journal for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, No.102. Spring 2024 (pp9-12)
42. Moss. M (2024) 'Another Kind of Girl' TPCA Person –Centred Quarterly, Spring 2024 (pp15-21)
- Counselling
- Supervision
- Training
- Facilitation
- Students
- Young People
- Relationships
- Bereavement
- Depression
- Trauma
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Abuse
- Consultancy
Other accreditation
Registered Member BACP Counselling & Psychotherapy
Qualifications / Training
Diploma in Youth and Community Work
Certificate in Fieldwork Supervision
Certificate in Systemic Family Therapy
Higher National Certificate in Integrative Counselling
Diploma in Person Centred Therapy
Certificate in Theta Healing Basic DNA
COSCA Counselling Supervision Certificate
Certificate in Fieldwork Supervision
Certificate in Systemic Family Therapy
Higher National Certificate in Integrative Counselling
Diploma in Person Centred Therapy
Certificate in Theta Healing Basic DNA
COSCA Counselling Supervision Certificate
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)
Person-Centred Therapy Scotland
The Person Centred Association (UK)
Person-Centred Therapy Scotland
The Person Centred Association (UK)
Supervision and Counsellingg offered online only. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Language (s)
Supervision £60 per hour(£45 students) Counselling £55 per hour Workshops £75 per hour.
Second website link
- Edinburgh
Phone - mobile
Wheelchair Accessible
Videos All Videos (5)
File DescriptionFile SizeFile TypeDownloads
A Preferred Relationship is a response to a paper by Cooper and Norcross, in the April 2021 issue of Therapy Today, which seems to put undue demands on the client’s understanding of the effects of methods and interventions while ignoring the importance of the relationship. Mike explores his own feelings around the therapy relationship and his fears that ‘even in offering client preferences, the therapist can hold a view of what might be best for t undermine the client’s power. (Sara Callen. Ed)367 KB15 -
'A Question of Soul 'Thresholds January 2020_Proofing_MikeMoss (1) (1) (2)
95 KB436 -
Resourcing the source COSCA pg4-6
87 KB1 -
Listening for healing COSCA 2019.pdf
Published COSCA Counselling in Scotland Journal Spring 2019195 KB20 -
2 MB4 -
Welcoming Conversations Mike Moss
Article Published in BACP Thresholds Journal April 201919 KBdocx7 -
Building Bridges : Rogers & Erickson
This article was first published in the Milton H Erickson Foundation Newsletter Dec 2018 Vol 38 No 3 page 1417 KBdocx9 -
The Fifth Wave: Beyond The Mainstream
An edited version of this article was published in the BACP Divisional Journal 'Thresholds' July 2018 and can be found online at hhttps://www.bacp.co.uk/bacp-journals/thresholds/july-2018/the-fifth-wave/53 KBdocx13 -
Therapy Today Article TURNING POINT
This article appeared in Therapy Today September 201713 KBdocx5 -
COSCA 2018 The Gift...docx
An exploration of the Therapeutic Relationship.34 KBdocx77 -
A Question of Miracles. Mike Moss.pdf
Presentation at UK Assoc for Solution Focused Practice. A Person Centred View.985 KB17 -
The Gift we are thirsting for: A pluralistic perspective on the therapeutic relationship.
My Presentation at the 1st International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland 17-18 March 201840 KBdocx19 -
On becoming more in the therapeutic relationship.docx
Article featured in COSCA Counselling in Scotland Spring 201785 KBdocx15 -
Revisiting the core conditions. Final Version (1).docx
Presentation for BACP Workshop Belfast 12 Sept 201756 KBdocx18 -
On becoming more in the therapeutic relationship.
An exploration of directional presence. Published in COSCA Counselling in Scotland (Spring 2017)85 KBdocx2
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First published on 21 Feb 2017Last updated 06 Aug 2024
By Mike MossUnder Counsellors