The Person-Centred Approach to Therapy
The person-centred approach to therapy emerged from the work of the eminent psychologist Dr. Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987), the creator not only of client-centered counselling (also known as person-centred therapy) but also the creator of student-centered education and of person-centered approaches to human relations and community building.
Person-centred therapy is based on a deep respect for the person, and the belief that the relationship between counsellor and client is of primary importance. It is taken as given by person-centred therapists that it is the the client who knows best what hurts, that the client has within herself or himself the capacity to begin a healing process and that that process can be helped to unfold within the safe, nonjudgemnetal, understanding type of relationship that person-centred counsellors are trained to offer.
The essential qualities which we believe as person-centred counsellors create a safe, supportive and challenging therapeutic environment include:
- A deep acceptance of the person we are with.
- A willingness to understand that person.
- A commitment to being genuine in our relationship with the person.
These qualities, offered professionally and consistently, are the central and distinctive characteristics of the Person Centred Approach to Therapy.

First published on 27 Feb 2012Last updated 12 Dec 2023
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